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Alix Michel

Alix received his law degree from the University of Miami in 1988 and for the last 25 years he has been an active trial lawyer focusing on all types of professional malpractice defense.

In response to the growing problem of Rx Drug Diversion, Alix has spent the last three years presenting on the “Legal Issues Surrounding Rx Drug Diversion” to and for all types of healthcare providers. For example, in 2012, he presented for the UT College of Pharmacy to over 3500 pharmacists from Tennessee, Alabama and Kentucky on “Strategies to Combat Prescription Drug Diversion.” He also presented on Rx Drug Abuse issues at the 2012 National Rx Drug Abuse Summit and the 2012 Medical Execusummit.

Alix has made (and continues to make) television and radio appearances and has authored/co-authored several articles to help raise public awareness regarding the growing Rx Drug Abuse problem.


David Ward

David received his undergraduate degree from Tennessee Technological University and his J.D. degree from Memphis State University in 1988. He has been an active litigator focusing on professional malpractice defense, licensing board defense, general litigation, hospital liability, and long term care defense for the last 25 years.

David has presented on prescription drug diversion to healthcare professionals including:

• Tennessee Pharmacist’s Association and the UT College of Pharmacy

• The Tennessee Medical Association

• The Chattanooga/Hamilton County Medical Society

• Ophthalmologists in Chattanooga

• Blue Cross Blue Shield of TN (via live meeting)

• American Society of Medical Association Counsel

• National RX Drug Diversion Summit

His most recent presentation was for the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. In addition to television and radio appearances to help raise public awareness of the problem, he has authored/co-authored the following articles:

• The “Ripple Effect” of Professional Licensing Discipline

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